Monday 2 July 2012

Pangong lagoon

Pangong Tso, conjointly referred to as Pangong lagoon, may be a salt lake located amidst the Himalayas. The lake is discovered at a size of regarding four,350 metres within the Leh District of Jammu and Kashmir. The lagoon is situated in Changthang Plateau bordering Tibet. With a extent of 134 km, hr of the lagoon pertains to Tibet, that is below the direct of China. The lagoon has saline water though it freezes throughout winters.

The lagoon is additionally popularly renowned by the title of Pangong Tso by the locals and furthermore the vacationers. The lake is additionally prevalent for the very dark necked Siberian crane, bar-headed geese and waterfowls.

The Line of genuine administration between Indian and ceramic passes through this lagoon. The jap complete of the lagoon is in Tibet and also the dispute-free space of the lagoon is that the western finish. At present, the lagoon is that the reason in India from where intrusions of ceramic may be easily discerned.

renowned as the wetland of worldwide significance, the lagoon is inside the procedure of being differentiated underneath the Ramsar conference. The water of the lagoon is brackish; hence, lacks in supplying any micro-vegetation. except for crustaceans, there has not been the other fish or aquatic life inside the lagoon for some years.

Pangong lagoon is that the most well-liked affinity where visitors will location resident and migratory birds like ducks, gulls, bar-headed goose and brahmani ducks. the encircling region of the lagoon presents natural habitat to varied animals like kiang and marmot. finds of lines on peak of the present lagoon level display a 5 metre broad level of laminated sand and dirt, supplying verification that the lagoon has compressed lately. The place visited conjointly offers a possibility to witness the made Buddhist culture.

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